Meet Cal
Thank you for your interest in the piano services I can expertly provide your home or organization.
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cal Champine.
I was firstborn in a family of seven children, six boys and one girl. My father was the head piano technician at Wurlitzer Piano Co. during the 60’s and 70’s. Later, he became an independent businessman. Our dad’s love of music inspired us all to be very musical and eventually all of us brothers formed a band.
Maintaining a small shop in his home, my dad taught me the use of tools, how to make quality repairs and also, the fundamentals of tuning pianos.
Growing Business
My tuning business grew quickly and I set up an independent piano tech service in the late 70’s. The majority of my clientele is derived from personal references from satisfied customers.
Today, I maintain a rebuilding shop in Troy, Michigan. Serving a broad spectrum of customers, has given me an ample opportunity to perfect my technical skills and promote lifelong friendships along the way. My clientele is made up of many fine local artists, Piano Guild teachers, over one hundred churches, several community centers, concert venues and numerous wonderful customers.
By this time, I had the beginnings of a career in Piano technology and a small solid customer base. I applied and passed the exams to become a Registered Piano Technician (RPT) through the universally respected Piano Technicians Guild, Inc. I continually expand my education by attending local chapter meetings and traveling to yearly conventions and reaping the expertise of my fellow colleagues.
Skilled Hand and Clever Ingenuity
Early Career
Through many years of PTG membership, I have been active in our local chapter, teaching classes, hosting technical meetings, serving as Examination Chairman, Vice President, and several terms as President.
Through all the ups and downs of self-employment, my wife and I have managed to raise two beautiful children who are now married and have given us precious grandchildren. My life is active, full and very blessed.